Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Covid Comedy Part Deux

OK, well. We can still get together on the Internet. Yes, we can. You seriously think that’s a great idea? Believe it or not, back in the 1980s, some Silicon Valley brainiacs actually did. Seriously.

The aging-hippy idealists who hotwired the Interweb imagined they were laying the foundation for a global town square that would bring humanity together in the not-too-distant future. Now we’re living in the not-too-distant future. Their hippy dream is now a reality—except the global town square is filled with an angry mob holding pitchforks and torches. Not just angry. Crazy, too. Thanks to the Internet, paranoid schizophrenia is now a casually communicated disease. In the pre-digital days, some nut wearing a tinfoil hat would be pushing a crap-filled shopping cart while constantly muttering to themselves ... 

“Conspiracy. Yeah. Them rich libtards and Hollywood bigshots got secret tunnels full of sex slave kids, uh-huh. The secret entrance is in that furniture store or maybe the pizza shop. And that vaccine they’re pushing? It’s a mind-control microchip. That there Bill Gates fellow? He’s behind the whole thing.” 

Yattayatta. The nut keeps muttering, nobody listens, and the delusion stays in his head. But thanks to the Internet, the nut can talk to other nuts. They can work on their delusional architecture together. Where do chemtrails fit in? What about the lizard people? It’s fun, kind of like World of Warcraft. Except when the nuts start killing people.

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