Sunday, June 24, 2018

Mister Rogers' Apocalypse Neighborhood


This Internet meme is floating around ....

Mister Rogers was a US Navy Seal. He was a highly trained sniper who saw combat in Vietnam. After the war, he became an ordained Presbyterian minister and a pacifist. He wore a long sleeve sweater to cover the many tattoos on his arms. 

OK. If that were true, what would an accurate Mister Rogers movie look like?

Here's a trailer ...

Montage of destruction, napalm, dogs and cats living together.

Mister Rogers: (VO): I’ve been a soldier since I was 19, mmm-hmm. I asked for a mission. Well, they gave me one, that’s right. It was a very special mission. I don’t think I’m going to ask for another one.


Mr. Rogers hunkers down with two shadowy military intelligence types.

Mister Rogers: What's the mission, Colonel?

Colonel: You'll enter the Neighborhood of Makebelieve in a Navy Trolley and pick up King Friday’s path. When you find the King, infiltrate his castle by any means available and terminate his command.

Mister Rogers: Terminate?

Willard: With extreme prejudice.

Mister Rogers: (VO): Prejudice is bad, kids. But what he means is killing. Sometimes that’s good.

The train track takes the Trolley through ruins. Smoldering heaps of dead puppets. Pyramids of puppet skulls.

Mister Rogers: There goes the neighborhood.

Henrietta Pussycat: Meow-meow scared!

Mister Rogers: You should be, Henrietta Pussycat. You should be.

Laurence Fishburne: F*** this shit. I'm going back to Pee-Wee's Playhouse.

He jumps off.

The rails come to a twisted end at the smoking wreckage of a station. The Trolley stops. 
King Friday's castle looms in the background.

Mister Rogers: Looks like we’ve arrived.

Looks back at Trolley. Henrietta Pussycat has been impaled with spears.

Mister Rogers: Or "I've" arrived. Well. You can never go down the drain ...

Leaps in swamp.

Pops out of King Friday's toilet.

Mister Rogers: But you can come up!

An enormously fat, Brando-esque King Friday regards him, surrounded by boxes of takeout food.

King Friday: Are you an assassin?

Mr. Rogers: I’m a soldier.

King Friday: You’re a delivery man working for grocery clerks.

Mr. Rogers: (points) No, he’s the delivery man.

Front door opens. Mr. McFeely enters.

Mr. McFeely: Speedy delivery! Here are your groceries.

Mr. Rogers: You should cut down on the groceries. By the way. I am an assassin.

Go to black.

Audio: THWACK!

Announcer: (OS) Francis Ford Coppola's "Mister Rogers' Apocalypse Neighborhood." Coming soon to a theater in your neighborhood.

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